Women are statistically more likely to delay healthcare than are men. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this fact. Two out of every three caregivers in the United States are women, and women who are caregivers have a greater risk for poor physical and mental health. During the pandemic, women were more likely to delay or go without healthcare than men, due to many issues, including increased caregiving responsibilities in the home. It’s likely these gaps will translate into higher rates of women experiencing severe health issues, incurring greater cost. Even if women don’t delay care, they often deal with untimely and inaccurate diagnoses because of an inherent systemic gender bias in today’s healthcare system.

Awesome Woman helps defragment care and brings access to health and wellbeing  products on the go. To improve the experience of care, Awesome Woman offers personalized evidence based solutions in a system designed for women and individuals experiencing similar health concerns. In contrast, the current average wait in the United States for a primary care visit is 29 days. When an individual joins Awesome Woman, they choose a journey personalized to their  needs and interests, which helps focus their care on certain conditions. We also provide personalized wellness content and an online women's health community.